Welcome to House of zion

Holy Land, Palestine, World War I,
1948 Locals, Israel, Judaica

OVER 60 LOTS Holy Land, Palestine, Zepp/Airmail, 1948, Israel, Errors & Varieties, Judaica, Paper Money

All lots are guaranteed, and to the best of our knowledge, correctly described.

No fees for credit cards or paypal, no lotting or handling fees, just postage and commission (18%)

Bid by e-mail Hsofzion@aol.com
fax 1-801-340-2236
phone 650-366-7589


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About House of Zion

The House of Zion was formed in 1967 when Ed Rosen, an avid Israel stamp collector, realized there were very few dealers specializing in Israel, Judaica and Holy Land stamps and covers. Originally setup to attend local shows in the San Francisco Bay Area, Ed realized quickly, there was a huge need for mail auctions and want lists. Their first auction was held in 1972, with just over 150 lots. Today, House of Zion, has probably the largest stock of Holy Land, Palestine, WWI, 1948 Interim/Locals, Doar Ivri, Israel, Judaica, Anti-semitic, and Synagogue Postcards in the world.