Sale date: 
May 7, 2023


Lot #: 1

1880 U.S. COVER addrerssed to Paris, France, and forwarded to MEDITERRANEAN HOTEL, JERUSALEM, with FORWARDING AGENT, PARIS handstamp, with backstamps ALEXANDRIE/EGYPT French (Bale #14), and small size unllisted JAFFA French cancel. Very nice exhibit item. Original letter enclosed. Photo. Estimated Value $1000

Start: $350 Sold For: $450
Lot #: 2

GAZA NEGATIVE CANCEL, (Bale #724) full clear blue cancel, 1 pia,. on piece. Cover with this cancel $5000+. Hard to find. Photo. Estimated Value $500

Start: $200 Sold For: $200
Lot #: 3

JERUSALEM 5 Octangle cancel, 1915 on 20 para Ottoman postal stationery, addressed to New York, with 30 Paras War Tax stamps (3x4par, 3x6para), censored, clean. Photo. Estimated Value $300

Start: $125
Lot #: 4

1916 COVER from JERUSALEM (Octangle 7) addressed to HAIFA, censored. Scarce littoral rate of 20 para, plus 10 para War Tax stamp, rare usage of this stamp. Haifa arrival and Thomas Cook cachet on back. (Back flap missing). Clean. Photo. Estimated Value $300

Start: $125
Lot #: 5

1914 PICTURE POSTCARD (Bedouins) 20 para stamp cancelled with JERUSALEM 9 octangle, addressed to Germany, with transit cancel on front. Handwritten "Feldpost" but charged still charged for poastage. Photo. Estimated Value $200

Start: $75 Sold For: $75
Lot #: 6

MEO-CHAREM (Jerusalem) cancel, black on 1916 Cover addressed to Rabbi in Germany, 1 pia. Stamp, tied to cover, censored, with red 3-line handstamp "BEIRUT AUSTRIAN ZEMAN Censor", clean. Photo. Estimated Value $300

Start: $125 Sold For: $175
Lot #: 7

NABLUS black cancel (Bale #807) addressed to BENI-SAAB, Sept. 18, 1918, three days befor the fall of Beni-Saab. 20pa stamp plus 2x5pa war tax stamps. Nablus censor. Historical exhibit item. Photo. Estimated Value $300

Start: $125 Sold For: $275
Lot #: 8

EGYTIAN PPC from Luxor, July 1909, addressed to Bir-Salem/Ramleh/jaffa Palestine, with very clear REMLEH (Bale #809) receival cancel, scarce as such. Clean. Photo. Estimated Value $500

Start: $175 Sold For: $225
Lot #: 9

TIBERIADE cancel 1906, on PPC addressed to Sydney, Australia, transit cancels Suez and Alexandria, with handwritten "via Port Said". Unusual. (Corner bens on card). Photo. Estimated Value $300

Start: $125 Sold For: $350
Lot #: 10

SCARCE TURKISH CANCELS on 5 cutouts including BIR UL MEZAR, EL ARICH, DJEMAL PASA TEFESI, SOUK-EL ATTARIN, and KNEITRA. Very hard to find. Photo. Estimated Value $1000

Start: $300 Sold For: $475
Lot #: 11

EEF Handstamps on Turkish Revenues, 14 different, hard to find., Photo. Estimated Value $450

Start: $150 Sold For: $175
Lot #: 12

TURKISH REVENUES, USED, 12 stamps, "ADPO or OPDA" overprints (Ottoman Public Dept Administration), used to collect payments owed by empire to European companies after the war. Photo. Estimated Value $300

Start: $100

Austrian Office

Lot #: 13

1912 REGISTERED BELGIUM Cover, addressed to Jerusalem, RECEIVAL cancel on back, plus company red seal. Clean. Photo. Estimated Value $150

Start: $75
Lot #: 14

JERUSALEM REGISTERED Cover front, addressed to USA, 1913, with FOXBORO, MASS receival cancels. Franked 1pia, 10 para stamps. Photo. Estimated Value $200

Start: $75
Lot #: 15

1906 STAMPLESS Cover from JAFFA (cancel) addressed to (D. Youdelovitz) RISHON LE ZION, with enclosed Jewish New Years card from "Shimon Rokeh". During this time period the Austrian Post office offered "Free Franking" between Jewish Colonies in Palestine. Scarce Item. Photo. Estimated Vlaue $500

Start: $175 Sold For: $375
Lot #: 16

RISHON-LE-ZION STAMP, on 20pa Postal card, with JERUSALEM cancel, Dec. 31, 1904, addressed to Constantinople. RISHON-LE-ZION stamp, blue, issued by the JNF office in Vienna, blue cancel "RISHON-LE-ZION/PAR POSTE AUTRICH" with star of David in center. Less than 10 known. Photo. Estimated Value $5000

Start: $2,000 Sold For: $2,200
Lot #: 17

1911 CORONATION PICTURE POSTCARD addressed to JERUSALEM, PALESTNE, first U.K. AERIAL POST with special cancel tieing 1-1/2p stamps to card, with Austrian Jerusalem receival cancel October 2, 1911. It is belived that only two items were sent to Palestine. Sold by Stanely Gibbons for $2500. Photo. Estimated Value $1500

Start: $600 Sold For: $3,750
Lot #: 18

1903 COVER from LAUREL MARYLAND,addressed to Selah Merrll, U.S. Consul of Palestine, with receival handstamp in blue "FORWARDED BY THE AMERICAN CONSULATE", transit backstamps JERUSALEM and JAFFA. Hard to find. Some slight wrinkling. Photo. Estimated Value $800

Start: $250 Sold For: $400
Lot #: 19

REGISTERED JAFFA COVER, Deutsche Palastina Bank, 1911, addressed to Germany, 1-pia Imprinted envelope, with additional 1-pia tied by Jaffa cancels. Port Said and Gopengen backstamps. Photo. Estimated Value $200

Start: $75 Sold For: $130
Lot #: 20

1908 10 Para IMPRINTED ENVELOPE with additional 10+20 para stamps tied by JERUSALEM cancels, addressed to Germany, with box handstamps in black & red "AUS JAFFA/DEUTSCH POST". Unusual. Photo. Estimated Value $200

Start: $75 Sold For: $85