Sale date: 
October 22, 2023

Ottoman Empire

Lot #: 1

REMLE BRANCH OFFICE CANCEL #PM2 (#756) scarce on locallay addressed cover, "Courts Correspondence" with small black postage exemption seal cancel, scarce but cover in poor condition due to age. Photo. Estimated Value $300

Start: $125 Sold For: $150
Lot #: 2

CAMP IMPERIAL JERUSALEM "DOUBLE RATE" Cover mailed at the official post office, with 4x20 para stamps from Dr. Herman Knackfuss (official court painter) to his wife in Cassel, Germnay. Hand written note on back regarding the Kaiser's camp near Caesaria (with 200 tents). Receival cancel Caessel Nov. 16, 1898. One of only two covers known mailed by member of the Kaiser's party. Very Good condition. EXHIBIT ITEM.Photo. Estimated Value $4000-$5000.

Start: $2,000 Sold For: $2,600
Lot #: 3

MARINESCHIFFPOST cancel #11, on 5pfg stamp, KAISER VISIT PICTURE POSTCARD , Nov. 1, 1898, of the Cruiser HELA WHILE ANCHORED in JAFFA on escort duty during the visit of KAISER WILHELM II to the Holy Land. Mailed to Germany, dated October 30, 1898. Less than 5 HELA items from the Holy Land are known. Some tropical stains. Photo. Estimated Value $400-$500.

Start: $200 Sold For: $275
Lot #: 4

AUSTRIAN OFFICE: Large size imprinted KAISER WILHELM II COVER, with 8 Austrian Levant stamps (8pa, 10pa, 20pa, 1pi, 2pi, 5pi, 10pi and 20pi) cancelled October 31, 1898 during the Kaiser's visit. Vertical fold separation, reinforced. Most unusual. Photo. Estimated Value $225

Start: $75 Sold For: $140
Lot #: 5

1912 BELGIUM COVER, REGISTERED to Jerusalem, with Austrian Jerusalem receival cancel on back, red company seal on back, trasit cancel on front. Clean. Photo. Estimated Value $100

Start: $50 Sold For: $75
Lot #: 6

BANK IMPERIAL OTTOMAN "TITRES EN NANTISSEMENT", Haifa 1928, with bank handstamp tieing Palestine 10 mils Revenue stamp to document. Verical fold reinforced with tape, slightly rough condition, but still scarce. Photo. Estimated Value $200.

Start: $100

Wwi/early Palestine

Lot #: 7

FPO H20 CANCEL, Aug. 1917 on Egyptian Picture Postcard, addressed to England, censored, clean. Clean. Photo. Estimated Value $100

Start: $50
Lot #: 8

REGISTERED COVER to RABBI in New York, April 15, 1918, SZ44 cancel, 2x1pia. Stamps (Ba;e #3) tied to back of cover. Censored, transit London, with receival backstamps. Few slight stains. Photo. Estimated Valuie $250

Start: $100
Lot #: 9

REGISTERED COVER May 1918, SZ45 (Jaffa) from S&P Relief to American Colony, Jerusalem, with 1pia/5m Postage (Bale #3&4) tied by two cancels, backstamps, very clean CIVILIAN MAIL using Army Post office. Photo. Estimated Value $500

Start: $200 Sold For: $200
Lot #: 10

JUNE 10, 1918 COVER addressed to New York Bank, SZ44 cancels tie 2x5m (Bale #4) sstamps to cover. Unlisted INTERNATIONAL RATE of 10m, printed mattter rate? Slightly rough opening, vertical and horizontal folds, censored. Photo. Estimated Value $250

Start: $125
Lot #: 11

ANGLO PALESTINE BANK COVER, Jaffa, addressed to Cairo, franked with 1-pia stamp (Bale #3), with APO SZ44 cancel, June 1918. Censored, receival backstamp, slightly rough opening. Photo. Estimated Value $125

Start: $50 Sold For: $50
Lot #: 12

WINE INDUSTRY COVER, RISHON LEZION addressed to Cairo, with 2x5m stamps (Bale #4, one damaged) tied to cover by 2x SZ32 cancels, Aug. 1918. SZ32 was at Julis/Bir Salem at that time. Few slight stains. Photo. Estimated Value $100

Start: $50 Sold For: $50
Lot #: 13

REFISTERED PICTURE POSTCARD, Aug. 1918, addressed to Port Said, Egypt, franked with 1pia/4m stamps, tied by SZ44 (Jerusalem). Receival backstamp. Unusual rate! (Stamped Tsachor). Censored. Photo. Estimated Value $300

Start: $150 Sold For: $150
Lot #: 14

BRITISH ARMY PRE-PRINTED 2d Registered Envelope, Aug. 1918 , with FPO GMI cancels, addressed to Red Cross in Berne, Switzerland, censored, transit and receival backstamps. Clean. Photo. Estimated Value $80

Start: $40 Sold For: $40
Lot #: 15

SEPT, 1917 COVER addresseed to Captain in the EEF, with 5m stamp ((Blae #4) tied with SZ44 cancel, senders handstamp on back, showing CIVILIAN USE of Military Post Office. Back flap missing. Censored, clean. Photo. Estimated Value $150

Start: $75
Lot #: 16

OHMS COVER, OCTOBER 1918, addressed to general staff officer, with clear FPO GM2 (Mt. Carmel at this time) with backstamps BPO T, and FPO SA10. Unclear hand cachet on front, forwarded several times. Tough opening on back. Photo. Estimated Value $100

Lot #: 17

REGISTERED COVR, SEPT. 1918, SZ45 addressed to Cairo, with postage on back of cover, 8x5m (Bale #4 , one damaged) plus 6x 1m (Bale #5), total 46 MILS, Mixed Franking. Rough oppening.Censored. Photo. Estimated Value $300

Start: $125
Lot #: 18

ITALIAN FORCES IN PALESTINE WWI, book by Silvano Sorani, with Picture Postcard included, from Port Said addressed to Iltalian Detachment in Palestine, July 1917. Some stains. Book numbered (3/250) and signed by SORANI. Very hard to find. Photo. Estimated Value $250

Start: $125 Sold For: $220


Lot #: 19

SPECIMEN: 1pia Dark Blue, Bale #S.1, mint no gum as issued. VF. Photo. Estimated Value $450

Start: $125 Sold For: $175
Lot #: 20

SPECIMEN: Bale #2, 5m overprint, no gum as issued. VF Photo. Estimated Value $450

Start: $125 Sold For: $190