LOT OF 5 ISRAEL COLLECTIONS, on White Ace and Minkus pages, plus one stock book, includes early tabs 17-22, 23, 44, 62-64, 65, 72, O1-4 66-69. Ideal for stamp show dealers. Estimated Value $400
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BINDER WITH EARLY 32 EARLY ISRAEL REGISTERED COVERS, includng #55 Menoah postally used. Ideal Ebay lot. Photo. Estimated Value $350
MOBILE POST OFFICES, AWARD WINNING EXHIBIT, 1950-1970, 48 PAGES (3 Frames), covers and cut-outs. Estimated Value $250
ISRAEL POSTAL STATIONERY EXHIBIT, AWARD WINNING "FREAKS ANS ERRORS, 1951-1960", 16 pages (1 frame). Nicely done. Estimated Value $200
ISRAEL TAB BLOCKS & PLATE BLOCKS, all mint NH, includes #17-22 Tab block of 4, #27 Tab blocks (2), J1-5 Plate blocks of 6, #18-21 gutter blocks of 4, #O1-4 Tab Block of 4, #35-36 Tab strips of 5, C1-6 Plate blocks of 6, 26 different plus 2 extra. Photo. Estimated Value $1000
WHITE ACE TAB COLLECTION 1957-1982, PLUS SINGLES COLLECTION, 1948-1982 (includes set of #7-9). Estimated Value $300.
ISRAEL TAB BLOCK COLLECTION on Minkus Pages, 1957-1988, virtually complete plus some extra pages, includes Israphil Souvenir Numbered Sheets. High catalogue value. Estimated Value $600-$700
EARLY ISRAEL SHEET LOT includes #24, #37, #35-36, #80-83, #23, #38-43, #45, #62-64, #65. #72. Bale cat over $3000. Estimated Value $1500
ISRAEL "MAXI CARD" COLLECTION, 1954-1995 VIRTUALLY COMPLETE, approx. 1500 different. Very hard to duplicate. Estimated Value $1500
ISRAEL REVENUES in 3 stockbooks, Mint NH, Accounting & Agrah stamps, hundreds of stamps, viewing suggested. Very high catalogue value. Estimated Value $1000-$1250.
ISRAEL TAB COLLECTION 1948-2022, includes #1-6, #1a-3b, 10-14, 25 (x2), 48-50, 55, 33-34, 28-30 (short tabs). Also includes imperf sheetlets (2010 China expo, very scarce). Virtually complete from1952 on (with extra special items). Estimated Value $3500-$4000.
POSTAL STARTIONERY COLLECTION on Minkus pages, includes scare #3 postal card. Estmated Value $250.
ISRAEL POSTAGE DUE EXHIBIT, AWARD WINNING, over 250 covers on exhibit pages, includes Israel first, second, and third postage dues. Formed by Howard Rotterdam. View this great collection. Estmated Value $4000-$5000.
ISRAEL BOOKLETS, one of each from #1 through #53, plus Prestige Booklets collectiion. High catalogue value. Estimated Value $1500-$200.
ISRAEL REVENUES, DEALER STOCK, loads of stamps, very high catalogue value, includes stock of first passport stamps (see photo). A real must view. Estimated Value $1000
ISRAEL FIRST DAY COVER COLLECTION, 1950-2022, PLUS MANY EXTRA ITEMS, includes 1967 War covers, over 1000+ covers in albums. Estimated Value $1000 (SIP Donation lot).
ISRAEL SHEET COLLECTION in 5 albums, 1954-1984, virtually complete including airmails C9-17 (incluidng scarce C16), #237a, etc. Very high catalogue value. Estimated Value $2000-$3000.
ISRAEL TAB COLLECTION 1948-2022, in 8 Lighthouse hingeless albums, NH, complete except for #7-9 tabs, and J1-5 tabs, beautiful collection, put together with love! Includes many special items. Estimated Value $4000-$5000. (SIP donation lot)
ISRAEL NEW ISSUES IN STOCK BOOK, post 1985, estimated over $500 face value. Estimated Value $300 (SIP donaton lot)