Sale date: 
February 23, 2025


Lot #: 301

LOT OF 5 ISRAEL COLLECTIONS, on White Ace and Minkus pages, plus one stock book, includes early tabs 17-22, 23, 44, 62-64, 65, 72, O1-4 66-69. Ideal for stamp show dealers. Estimated Value $400

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Start: $125 Email your Bid
Lot #: 302

BINDER WITH EARLY 32 EARLY ISRAEL REGISTERED COVERS, includng #55 Menoah postally used. Ideal Ebay lot. Photo. Estimated Value $350

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Start: $100 Email your Bid
Lot #: 303

MOBILE POST OFFICES, AWARD WINNING EXHIBIT, 1950-1970, 48 PAGES (3 Frames), covers and cut-outs. Estimated Value $250

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Start: $75 Email your Bid
Lot #: 304

ISRAEL POSTAL STATIONERY EXHIBIT, AWARD WINNING "FREAKS ANS ERRORS, 1951-1960", 16 pages (1 frame). Nicely done. Estimated Value $200

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Start: $50 Email your Bid
Lot #: 305

ISRAEL TAB BLOCKS & PLATE BLOCKS, all mint NH, includes #17-22 Tab block of 4, #27 Tab blocks (2), J1-5 Plate blocks of 6, #18-21 gutter blocks of 4, #O1-4 Tab Block of 4, #35-36 Tab strips of 5, C1-6 Plate blocks of 6, 26 different plus 2 extra. Photo. Estimated Value $1000

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Start: $250 Email your Bid
Lot #: 306

WHITE ACE TAB COLLECTION 1957-1982, PLUS SINGLES COLLECTION, 1948-1982 (includes set of #7-9). Estimated Value $300.

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Start: $95 Email your Bid
Lot #: 307

ISRAEL TAB BLOCK COLLECTION on Minkus Pages, 1957-1988, virtually complete plus some extra pages, includes Israphil Souvenir Numbered Sheets. High catalogue value. Estimated Value $600-$700

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Start: $175 Email your Bid
Lot #: 308

EARLY ISRAEL SHEET LOT includes #24, #37, #35-36, #80-83, #23, #38-43, #45, #62-64, #65. #72. Bale cat over $3000. Estimated Value $1500

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Start: $600 Email your Bid
Lot #: 309

ISRAEL "MAXI CARD" COLLECTION, 1954-1995 VIRTUALLY COMPLETE, approx. 1500 different. Very hard to duplicate. Estimated Value $1500

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Start: $500 Email your Bid
Lot #: 310

ISRAEL REVENUES in 3 stockbooks, Mint NH, Accounting & Agrah stamps, hundreds of stamps, viewing suggested. Very high catalogue value. Estimated Value $1000-$1250.

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Start: $450 Email your Bid
Lot #: 311

ISRAEL TAB COLLECTION 1948-2022, includes #1-6, #1a-3b, 10-14, 25 (x2), 48-50, 55, 33-34, 28-30 (short tabs). Also includes imperf sheetlets (2010 China expo, very scarce). Virtually complete from1952 on (with extra special items). Estimated Value $3500-$4000.

col MB
Start: $1,750 Email your Bid
Lot #: 312

POSTAL STARTIONERY COLLECTION on Minkus pages, includes scare #3 postal card. Estmated Value $250.

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Start: $75 Email your Bid
Lot #: 313

ISRAEL POSTAGE DUE EXHIBIT, AWARD WINNING, over 250 covers on exhibit pages, includes Israel first, second, and third postage dues. Formed by Howard Rotterdam. View this great collection. Estmated Value $4000-$5000.

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Start: $2,000 Email your Bid
Lot #: 314


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Start: $250 Email your Bid
Lot #: 315

ISRAEL BOOKLETS, one of each from #1 through #53, plus Prestige Booklets collectiion. High catalogue value. Estimated Value $1500-$200.

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Start: $600 Email your Bid
Lot #: 316

ISRAEL REVENUES, DEALER STOCK, loads of stamps, very high catalogue value, includes stock of first passport stamps (see photo). A real must view. Estimated Value $1000

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Start: $350 Email your Bid
Lot #: 317

ISRAEL FIRST DAY COVER COLLECTION, 1950-2022, PLUS MANY EXTRA ITEMS, includes 1967 War covers, over 1000+ covers in albums. Estimated Value $1000 (SIP Donation lot).

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Start: $350 Email your Bid
Lot #: 318

ISRAEL SHEET COLLECTION in 5 albums, 1954-1984, virtually complete including airmails C9-17 (incluidng scarce C16), #237a, etc. Very high catalogue value. Estimated Value $2000-$3000.

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Start: $900 Email your Bid
Lot #: 319

ISRAEL TAB COLLECTION 1948-2022, in 8 Lighthouse hingeless albums, NH, complete except for #7-9 tabs, and J1-5 tabs, beautiful collection, put together with love! Includes many special items. Estimated Value $4000-$5000. (SIP donation lot)

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Start: $1,750 Email your Bid
Lot #: 320

ISRAEL NEW ISSUES IN STOCK BOOK, post 1985, estimated over $500 face value. Estimated Value $300 (SIP donaton lot)

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Start: $100 Email your Bid