Sale date: 
February 23, 2025


Lot #: 321

ISRAEL EARLY SHEET LOT, includes #23 (x2), #45, #133-36b, #J6-11. Good condiiton. Bale catalogue value over $4000. Estimated Value $2000

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Start: $850 Email your Bid


Lot #: 400

AUTOGRAPHS OF FAMOUS JEWS on Covers and Documents, over 300 different, great lot, must examine. Photo. Estimated Value $1500-$2000

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Start: $500 Email your Bid
Lot #: 401

RABBINCAL COVERS & DOCUMENTS, all signed by Rabbis, over 55. includes Rabbi Kuck (Cook), Rabbi I. Schneerson (1937). Very historical items. Photo. Estimated Value $1500-$2000

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Start: $750 Email your Bid
Lot #: 402

JUDAICA, JEWISH NEWSPAPERS OF THE WORLD, over 150 covers, postcards, anf newspapers (all mailed). Impossible to duplicate. Exhibit waiting to happen. Photo. Estimated Value $750

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Start: $250 Email your Bid
Lot #: 403

HERZL "EPHEMRA", covers, stamps, leafletsd, flyers, etc. 100's of items. Estimated Value $500

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Start: $150 Email your Bid
Lot #: 404

MENACHEM USSISHKIM COLLECTION, President of JNF, Secretery of First Zionist Congress 1903, historical collection of Letters he signed, covers, postcards, documents, etc. Museum quality. Photo. Estimated Value $1000-$1500

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Start: $400 Email your Bid
Lot #: 405

U.S. AIRMAIL COVERS TO "DI PRESSE" JEWISH NEWSPAPER IN ARGENTINA, 1941-1950, from Jewish Organizaitons, over 40, mostly franked with Prexi's. Great lot for Ebay. Photo. Estimated Value $400

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Start: $125 Email your Bid
Lot #: 406

JUDAICA LABELS "CINDERELAS", 1000'S, some much better, including Sxyk, etc. Estimated Value $750-$1000

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Start: $250 Email your Bid
Lot #: 407


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Start: $150 Email your Bid
Lot #: 408


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Start: $150 Email your Bid
Lot #: 409

JUDAICA EXHIBITS, EINSTEIN (8c U.S. stmap), REVEL ($1 stamp), Estimated Value $200

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Start: $75 Email your Bid
Lot #: 410

JUDAICA EXHIBIT, RABBI'S ON STAMPS & COVERS, award winning exhibit, in two large Lighthouse albums. Estimated Value $500-$600.

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Start: $200 Email your Bid

Premier collection formed by Ron Rohin

Lot #: 500

JNF POLISH OFFICE, HUNDREDS of STAMPS, BOOKLETS, PANES, COMPLETE BOOKLETS; plus 12 ROUMANIAN STAMPS. Great collection. High catalogue value. Photo. Estimated Value $3000-$4000

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Start: $900 Email your Bid
Lot #: 501

JNF GRMAN OFFICE, 100'S OF STAMPS, with unusual imperfs, etc. Hard to find items. Photo. Estimated Value $2000

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Start: $500 Email your Bid
Lot #: 502

JNF FOREIGN OFFICES including Austria, Brazil, Canada, Czechoslovakia (13 stamps), Great Britain, Hungary, Mexico, Netherlands. Some Very scarce items. Estimated Value $1500

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Start: $400 Email your Bid
Lot #: 503

JNF SHEET LOT, over 100 sheets (with some duplication), mostly from 1940's-1950's, including Alphbet sheets. Estimated Value $500-$750

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Start: $200 Email your Bid
Lot #: 504

JNF FORMS: SPECIAL RECEIPTS FROM THE VAAD H'ARETZ, collection of 120 different, some with varieties, impossible to duplicate today, many rare. (ex Tsachor). Photo. Estimated Value $750-$850

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Start: $375 Email your Bid
Lot #: 505

JNF 1901 SPECIALIZED COLLECTION of the ZION issue, including ESSAY SHEETLET of the first stamp (less than ten exist), proofs and color trials, also 12 half sheets with country codes, and most unusual "Telegram" with Zion stamps. Photos. Estimated Value $8000-$10,000.

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Start: $3,750 Email your Bid
Lot #: 506

JNF COLLECTION HEAD OFFICE, 11 Volumes with dust covers, Virtually complete, plus extra items and errors, proofs. Formed by Ron Rohin. Estimated Value $5000

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Start: $2,000 Email your Bid
Lot #: 507

JNF COLLECTION, NEW YORK OFFICE, 7 Volumes with dust covers, virtually complete, with many extra items, proofs and errors. Formed by Ron Rohin. Estimated Value $3000-$4000.

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Start: $1,300 Email your Bid